CableFree Microwave Antennas

Wireless Excellence offers the CableFree range of high performance microwave radios using licensed frequencies in the common 4-42GHz bands.
CableFree microwave communication antennas are high efficiency, low VSWR and high cross polarization discrimination XPD parabolic antennas; comes with standard or high performance versions. Incorporating feed-forward flex wave-guide, the series are designed to be versatile and reliable in all climate conditions. They are your ideal choice for long or short haul microwave links. Class 3 Ultra High Performance Antennas are standard offerings
Complete range of Microwave Antennas with high specifications
We offer Antennas for the following ranges of microwave antennas:
- 20cm (0.2m) diameter
- 30cm (0.3m, 1ft) diameter
- 60cm (0.6m, 2ft) diameter
- 90cm (0.9m, 3ft) diameter
- 120cm (1.2m, 4 ft) diameter
- 180cm (1.8m, 6 ft) diameter
- 240cm (2.4m, 8 ft) diameter
- 300cm (3.0m, 10 ft) diameter
- 370cm (3.7m, 12 ft) diameter
- 460cm (4.6m, 15 ft) diameter

Single and Dual Polarised Antennas and Accessories
- Single Polarised (SP) for 1+0 configuration.
- Dual Polarised (DP) with integrated low-loss OMT are available for 2+0 and 1+1 Applications
- Optional Splitter/Combiners for 1+1 Hot Standby (HSB) resilience
- Waveguide feeds for Full Indoor installations
- Flexible Waveguide where the microwave ODU needs to be remote-mounted
- Dehydrators required for long microwave waveguide feeds up towers
All Common Frequency Band Available
CableFree Microwave Antennas are available in multiple frequency bands including:
- 4GHz Band: 3600-4200 MHz
- 5GHz Band: 4.4GHz-5.0GHz
- 5.8GHz Band: 5.725-5.850GHz
- Lower 6GHz Band: 5.925-6.425GHz
- Upper 6GHz Band: 6.425-7.125GHz
- 7GHz Band: 7.125-7.725GHz
- 8GHz Band: 8.200-8.75GHz
- 11GHz Band: 10.7—11.7GHz
- 13GHz Band: 12.75-13.25GHz
- 15GHz Band: 14.40-15.35GHz
- 18GHz Band: 17.70-19.70GHz
- 23GHz Band: 21.20-23.60GHz
- 26GHz Band: 24.25-26.5GHz
- 38GHz Band: 37.00-40.00GHz
- 42GHz Band: 40.5-43.5 GHz
- Other frequency bands are also available, from 4 to 42GHz
- V-band (58-62GHz) available for Millimeter Wave Links
- E-band (71-76GHz, 81-86GHz) available for Millimeter Wave Links
Please note that some antenna sizes are available in various different bands.
Data for Microwave Antennas
A Full Range is available for Point to Point Radio Links PDF Datasheet showing most popular antennas up to 120cm diameter.
For detailed data and any other requirements, please contact us.
We offer many models up to 4m or more.
Microwave Waveguide for Long Haul Links
A range of waveguide products including elliptical waveguide, flexible jumpers and accessories including waveguide dehydrators are available
Waveguide Dehydrators
Models available include CFD-20 and CFD-70. These systems utilise a pressure swing moisture absorption drying system that provides pressurized dry air to the system and continuously purges the collected moisture to the atmosphere. Our CFD20-C and CFD70-C series dehydrators ideal for unattended operation at even remote sites. System pressure is controlled by the dehydrator pressure switch settings. Normally, this is factory adjusted to 3 psig (20.7kPa) “on” and 5 psig (34.5 kPa) “off”, but may be readjusted in the field to operate anywhere between 1.5 and 10 psig (10.3 kPa and 68.9 kPa)
For any other requirements, please contact us
Part Numbers
There are a wide range of antennas for XPIC and non-XPIC applications. This partial list here includes:
Frequency Band | Diameter | SP or DP (XPIC) | Part Number |
18GHz | 60cm | DP | WTC06-177SHR-QOKDS |
18GHz | 90cm | DP | WTC09-177SAR-QOKDS |
18GHz | 120cm | DP | WTC12-177SHR-COKDS |
13GHz | 30cm | DP | WTC03-127S-Q |
13GHz | 60cm | DP | WTC03-127S-Q |
13GHz | 90cm | DP | WTC09-127S |
13GHz | 120cm | DP | WTC12-127S |
13GHz | 180cm | DP | WTC18-127S |
13GHz | 240cm | DP | WTC24-127S |
Shipping Locations
CableFree Microwave antennas ship from various locations, including our subcontract manufacture partners who build antennas to our exact specifications. These include various locations including
CableFree Asia Manufacturing 1: 1301 Building C, Reward Mansion, Area 2, Lizezhongyuan, Wangjing Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100102
CableFree Asia Manufacturing 2: Hengzhong 7th Road, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City
Technology Overview
CableFree is a leader in Microwave Technology. Class 3 Ultra High Performance Antennas are standard offerings, to ensure best link margins, freedom from unwanted RF interference, dense co-location with high QAM modulation, which requires clean spectrum and low interference.
We have many white papers and pages on Radio Technology to guide and assist users. Some of the most popular ones are listed here:
- Introduction to Microwave Links
- Explaining QAM Modulation
- Automatic Coding and Modulation (ACM) Technology
- Diversity in Microwave Links
- Cross Polar Interference Cancellation (XPIC) Technology
- Microwave Frequency Bands
- Rain Fade on Microwave Links
For Further Information
CableFree microwave antennas are fully shipping and available in bands 4 to 42GHz in any quantities required.
For further information on the range of CableFree wireless networking products:
Please Contact Us
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