User Manager/RadioOS user Example

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User Manager server might be used as remote storage of RadioOS login and password information. A CableFree router will consult User Manager for login and password, when you are accessing RadioOS via Winbox or console session. Let us consider configuration steps.

RadioOS configuration

  • Set RadioOS to use User Manager server for checking login and password information,
 / user aaa set use-radius=yes
  • '/user aaa' has 'default-group' option, that define type of the default group. Default is read permissions, if you need to allow full permissions for users stored in User Manager database
 / user aaa set default-group=full
  • Add radius client to consult User Manager for login service.
/ radius add service=login address=y.y.y.y secret=123456

'secret' is equal to User Manager router secret. 'y.y.y.y' is the User Manager router address.

  • Note, first local router database is consulted, then User Manager database.

User Manager configuration

  • Create User Manager subscriber (root customer). Note that when using a version 3.0 or newer, a subscriber called 'admin' is created automatically - you can skip the following stage and change 'CableFree' to 'admin' in subsequent steps;
/ tool user-manager customer add login="CableFree" password="qwerty" permissions=owner
  • Add RadioOS router information to router list,

In version 3:

/ tool user-manager router add subscriber=CableFree ip-address=x.x.x.x shared-secret=123456

In version 4:

/ tool user-manager router add customer=CableFree ip-address=x.x.x.x shared-secret=123456

'x.x.x.x' is the address of the RadioOS router, 'shared-secret' must match on both User Manager and RadioOS routers.

  • Add login/password information, that account will be able to access RadioOS. login is CableFree, password is CableFree.

In version 3:

/ tool user-manager user add subscriber=CableFree username=CableFree password=CableFree

In version 4:

/ tool user-manager user add customer=CableFree username=CableFree password=CableFree