User Manager/Customers

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  • Customers are service providers. They use web interface to manage users, credits, routers;
  • Customers are hierarchically ordered in a tree structure - each can have zero or more sub-customers and exactly one parent-customer;
  • Each customer can have same or weaker permission level than it's parent;
  • Each customer has exactly one owner-subscriber.
  • Customer with owner permissions is called subscriber. Subscriber's parent is himself;
  • Customer data contains:
    • Login and password. Used for web interface;
    • Parent. Enumerator over customers. Used to keep the hierarchy of customers;
    • Permissions. Specifies permission level;
    • Public ID. It's an ID used to identify customer. When a user wants to log on the user page or to sign up he/she needs to specify, which customer to use (because user login names are allowed to be equal among several subscribers). To keep customer login names in secret (for security reasons) this field is used to identify customers ( subscribers);
    • Public host. Only for subscribers. IP address or DNS name specifying public address of this User Manager router. Payment gateways use this address to send transaction status response. This field has sense only if users access User Manager site through local IP address (for, example, and another address is used for public access (for example,
    • Company, city, country. Informational;
    • Email address. Used to send emails (for ex., sign up information) to users;
    • User prefix. Used to separate users between customers of one subscriber;
    • Sign-up allowed. When checked, this customer allows users to use sign-up;
    • Sign-up email subject. When a user completes signs up successfully, he/she receives an email with authorization information, called sign-up email. Subject of this email is configurable.
    • Sign-up email body. Text template of sign-up email. Must contain several specific string constants:
      • %login% - will be replaced with login name of newly created account;
      • %password% - will be replaced with password of newly created account.
      • %link% - will be replaced with link to User page. This field can be omitted;
    • Authorize.Net fields (only for subscribers and only when using https):
      • Allow payments. When checked, users are allowed to use Authorize.Net as payment method for this subscriber;
      • Login ID, Transaction Key, MD5 Value. Authorize.Net merchant attributes. Must match those specified in Authorize.Net Merchant gateway security settings;
      • Title. The name of this payment method shown to users. For example, if one changes title to "Credit Card", users will see "Pay with Credit Card" instead of "Pay with Authorize.Net". This field can be very useful if users don't know what Authorize.Net means and get confused;
      • Return URL: address to which user is redirected when pressing "Return to User Manager" button after successful payment. Can be used to redirect user to HotSpot login page;
      • Use Test Gateway. When true, payment info will be sent to Authorize.Net test gateway. Can be used for testing payments without actual money charge;
    • PayPal fields (only for subscribers):
      • Allow payments. When checked, users are allowed to use PayPal as payment method for this subscriber;
      • Business ID (login/email). Business ID of the PayPal account where the money will be sent;
      • Secure Response: whether to use https (when true) or http (when false) to receive payment feedback from PayPal. Additional security mechanism is used to check validity of this feedback information so using http is not mandatory;
      • Accept pending: when true, payments with status "Pending" are accepted as valid. This may be used for multi-currency payments where manual approvals must be made;
      • Return URL: address to which user is redirected when pressing "Return to merchant" button after successful payment. Can be used to redirect user to HotSpot login page;
    • Date format. Used on web pages for data representation. Only allowed formats (listed in drop-down) can be used. When the value doesn't match any of allowed (it's possible to enter any value from console) formats, default is used. See date character constants:
    • Currency. Used for payments and money-related data representation on the web page;
    • Time zone. Specific for each customer. By default equals to 00:00. Session and credit info is stored as GMT regardless of ROS time zone on the User Manager router. This value specifies the way data is displayed on the User Manager web pages.